Due to an unfortunate turn of events in recent days, FC Barcelona were unable to participate in their game against Juventus that was originally scheduled to take place on the 22nd of July at Levi’s Stadium in Santa Clara, California.
The reason being stated for the cancellation of the game against the Italian giants was related to an illness, confirmed by the club to be gastroenteritis, that had struck multiple players within the squad. However, fans of the Catalan club may be in for some good news moving forward according to the recent update provided on FC Barcelona.
The update indicates that at the moment, it seems that the Barcelona players are recovering with good progress and their upcoming game against Arsenal should not be in doubt, as assurance has been given by the club officially in a statement that says:
“The FC Barcelona first team players affected by viral gastroenteritis, which forced the cancellation of the match against Juventus at Levi’s Stadium, are recovering well. In the last few hours, no new cases have been detected.”
The affected players continue their recovery, while the report also further clarifies that FC Barcelona assure that no new cases have been found within the squad. As a result, Barcelona will conduct the two training sessions planned before the game against Arsenal on the 27th of July to assess the availability of their players on the day.
As it stands, the game scheduled to take place at the SoFi stadium in Los Angeles, California, will take place as planned where Barcelona will take on the English Premier League giants from London in a hotly anticipated clash.